Brett Cornell Series

Home of the supreme UNSCRUPULOUS BASTARD himself !!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Looking for BRETT. . .

Fans of mystery novels often get to familiarize themselves with the physical appearance of their favorite characters, usually by the way they are described in the novels themselves, but also by images fairly faithfully rendered by artists and seen on book covers and the like.
For example, the image of Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot is instantly recognizable to many:

 The same goes for Christie's Miss Marple:
This image of Brett Halliday's tough-guy detective Mike Shayne often appeared on book covers:

So, my question is: Where's BRETT CORNELL?
The man is described in all 9 novels as in his late 30s, standing 6 feet tall and weighing 210 lbs., with curly blond hair and a bushy blond mustache -- surely not an image it would be impossible to conjure up in one's mind, I would think.
All I can say at this juncture is:  Stay tuned. . .


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